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Finally, a new chapter is up. took a lot out of me to write, too. XD I've been doing a lot of writing lately, and I'm kinda tired...a little worn out. Anyways, now that I've got more time, hopefully I can find the inspiration to keep writing.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Chapter 4: Waterlogged

Erika was running, running for her life. There was something flying through the air behind her, chasing her. It was bright, and was on fire. It was closing fast, even though she was running at full speed. She pushed harder, and slowed the gap down. Then, she fell. She didn't even know what happened, just that she was falling. Falling down a hill, rolling, and getting bruised and cut along the way.

She had tripped and fell. The flying object was now closing in again, the gap was shortening every second. She came to a stop at the bottom of the hill, wedged up against a rock and a log. The fire was right above her now, and she could feel the heat.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" chortled a voice from the fire. "I have you now, little miss disappear. I don't know how you managed to get away the last time, but your little friend isn't here to protect you now. I took care of him personally." the voice said, chuckling to itself at the end.

"Wh- Who are you?!" Erika screamed. "What do you want from me?!"

"Oh you know what I want... Why else would someone like me be chasing you? I want that pretty little crystal around your neck. It's either that, or I just kill you and then I get it anyways...your choice." said the voice with an icy tone.

"What do you mean, 'someone like you?' Do you have-" she started.

Just then, a loud noise came from the trees a few yards away, and then a screaming BOOM. Next thing she knew, Erika was being shielded from a blinding light by a boy, a boy that she knew, but couldn't recognize because of the light.

"Erika, please wake up. Please be okay." he said.

"Erika, wake up...Erika!" screamed Marlene.

"Wha? Whassgoingon?" she said groggily.

"Thank God you're okay... Erika, you just fell down an escalator, you idiot! What were you thinking, not even looking when you stepped on the thing?" said Marlene.

"I. I don't even remember that...Are we at the airport or something?"

"Umm, yeah! We're kinda getting ready to board the plane to go back home, silly. We need to get you to the terminal so you can sit down while we wait...You okay to move?"

"Yeah, I'm okay...thanks." Erika said, standing up. "Wow, I really fell down that whole thing? That's a two story escalator too...nice. That's definitely going on the highlight reel for the trip..."

"Yeah, let's just get to the plane, you clumsy oaf."
Location: Tampa, Florida

"Master, the closest crystal is! It's heading this way too!" said Koichi.

"We must identify the target and find out what's going on...none of them should be able to move that fast at this stage." said Beschermer.

Beschermer and Koichi had just left Drake's area and had gone a little East, hoping they could cross in the Ocean more unnoticed than on land.

"Do you think we should turn back and warn Drake about this?" asked Koichi "We may need his help."

"No, I think we should investigate first and if need be, I'll call him. Plus, I have a theory already about what it might be...look at that sign." he said, pointing to a road sign. "It says 'Air-port.' I think that they have invented some sort of travel by air...airships ferrying goods and people all over the place. The new Bearer might be on one of these Airships. I think we should just remain close to here and wait and see. Sound good to you, Koichi?"

"Sound's fine to me, master. I just hope that this is one of the Pure Crystals and now a Shadow Crystal...those Shadow Crystals can be wickedly nasty, even when they are with a fresh owner."

"You and I both, my and I both." sighed Beschermer.

"Look Master, it's slowing may be right!" exclaimed Koichi
Location: Tampa International Airport

"This is your Captain speaking...we will be landing in approximately 5 minutes. If you would, please gather your belongings and prepare for landing. Trays up behind your seats and seat belts on. Thanks for flying with us, and I hope you choose our airline again for your next flight." said the Plane's Captain.

"Erika, wake up. We're landing..." said Marlene.

"Thanks, haha. I'm feeling a lot better after that nap. Oh, by the way...please don't mention that to my parents or anything...I don't want them to worry." said Erika

"No was just a simple accident."

That...dream or whatever it was so...real. Like I was really there. Whoever it was that was chasing beat, right? And...the boy! He seemed so familiar, but I have no idea who he is. I know I know him from somewhere...maybe he's from school or something... thought Erika.

END Ch 4


Ink said...

I loved them both. But I'm only going to comment on this one.
I can't wait to read more on Erika!


Toky said...

and I can't wait to write more! I'll try and have Ch 5 up by tomorrow...hopefully today.

Anonymous said...

its very interesting. i wanna know more!
can't read to read chapter five.

hey, check out my blog 'Thick as Thieves'. i need feed back too!!

akared said...

I'm really excited to see how this progresses!!
it's really good so far!

Toky said...

Thanks for all the positive feedback!

Chapter 5 will be going up later today...I need to write it. XD