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Finally, a new chapter is up. took a lot out of me to write, too. XD I've been doing a lot of writing lately, and I'm kinda tired...a little worn out. Anyways, now that I've got more time, hopefully I can find the inspiration to keep writing.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Chapter 19: The Ice Tampa?

Drake and Erika trained on into the afternoon using a few pointers they got from Beschermer. They had been making good progress until Koichi appeared from behind the tree he was sitting at, holding his locator device. "Master, I believe it should be up and running to the new specifications in about ten minutes." said Koichi
"Very good, my friend... I guess our time here is almost up. Carry on, Koichi." said Beschermer as Koichi walked back over and sat down. "Now, before we depart, I have one final piece of information you might find useful. I do know the present location of one of the ten Masters."
"Really? Who?" asked Erika
"Unfortunately, it is neither of the ones that you need to seek out. However, you might be able to track this master down and procure the locations of Zeus and Poseidon, err, Neptune. Anyway, the Master I know of is Lord Triton. He is the son of Poseidon and was given dominion over Ice. I daresay he at least knows the whereabouts of his father, and probably his uncle, Zeus as well."
"Well that's a start, for sure! Now, where is Triton?" asked Drake
"Well, if you can believe it...he's vacationing in Tampa Bay right now. He is at home in the water, and since his alignment is with Ice, he likes to frequent places where they have lots of ice. He visits places like your Ice rings and cold storage facilities. He is particularly fond of your Ice Sports Forum, I hear."
"Haha, he would like a place that used to be called the Ice Palace wouldn't he?" said Erika
"Really? No wonder." Beschermer chuckled to himself. "Anyways, if he is not there, he is more than likely out in the bay, though it seems odd that he would be here of all places, because your water is very warm."
"Well, I guess since he has power over ice, he can keep himself cool, if he needs to." said Drake
"Indeed." said Koichi, popping back out from the tree. "Sorry, Erika." he said, for she had nearly jumped out of her shoes, she was so startled. "Anyways, master, I am done...we can leave any time."
"What does it say, Koichi? Where is our next destination?" asked Beschermer
"Hmmm," he stared at the screen, somehow able to make sense of the blips and dots and lines. "I'll need to check with a real map to be absolutely sure of the exact location, but we're heading in the direction of Europe. There's no readings as far south as central Chile, in South America. Once you go past there, there's not much room to look. Also, I'm picking up a cluster of readings in that direction, to the far Northeast."
"Alright, well I guess we should head out. Drake, Erika...if you feel up to it, it would help greatly if you could manage to track down Triton for me. It won't be blatantly obvious who he is should you see him...but under careful observation, his identity shall be revealed to you." said Beschermer
"Right." said both of them.
"See you soon, I hope." said Drake
"Keep in touch." said Erika

"Oh yes, do keep in touch, Oaf." said a voice from a distance, slowly getting closer. "And thank you so much for all the information. Lady Belinka will be most pleased to hear of Triton's location." the source of the voice appeared from the bushes and stood before them.
"Fern, I should have known." said Erika. "See Drake, I told you..."
"Yeah... you did, Rika. I'm sorry." he said
"Haha, are you still upset about ym little ruse? Of course I was sent here by else would three Bearers end up in the same place at once so soon?" Fern chided
"Leave us at once, child!" roared Beschermer. "And tell your mistress I know what she's up to...and she won't be able to get it. I'll make sure of that personally." he raised his hand slightly and his palm started to glow brightly in a prismatic variety of colors.
"You would dare harm a Bearer? Lady belinka said you wouldn't even be able to use your powers yet." said Fern
"Does that mean that she can't use hers, I wonder?" asked Beschermer. "No matter, leave us at once or I shall be forced to decimate you here and now."
Fern's eyes widened, seeing the intense expression on his face. 'He's serious' she thought. "Fine, but next time you won't be so fortunate." she said, turning and bounding off into the woods that backed up to the clearing.

"I want you two to keep an eye out for her, she'll be lurking about, trying to get you alone and pounce. Also, no doubt she'll be looking for Triton...or she'll have her associate with the Ice crystal looking soon, if they have been found." said Beschermer
"We'll be on the lookout, and especially now, we have to find Triton, soon." said Drake
"Again, thanks for everything, and we'll be watching out for her, Beschermer." said Erika
"Then I leave you now, be safe." he said.
And then they were both gone in a flash of the same rainbow of light Beschermer had shown earlier.

"I wonder if we can do that?" asked Erika
"Doubt it...anyways, let's get going...your house?" Drake asked
"Yeah, let's rest up a bit...then we can plan our search for Triton." she said

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