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Finally, a new chapter is up. took a lot out of me to write, too. XD I've been doing a lot of writing lately, and I'm kinda tired...a little worn out. Anyways, now that I've got more time, hopefully I can find the inspiration to keep writing.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Chapter 6: Discovery

Drake sat in the loft of the library, thumbing through the "E" Encyclopedia. He was looking up Electricity, hoping to gain a little knowledge about his newfound powers, and maybe how to control them better.

Just as he got to the right page, he noticed Erika climbing up a few feet away from him.

"Wow, I can't believe you showed up! I totally thought you were ditching me when you went to the bathroom..." said Drake, shocked.

Erika Blushed. "Well, I considered it, actually. But obviously I decided to come and see what you have to say." she said

"Well, I'm glad you came Erika."

"I...I think I am too." she said, sitting down next to him.

"Well, I guess I should get down to it...Have you experienced anything...odd recently? Like something radically different in your life, a life altering event?" Drake asked.

Taken aback, she answered "Well, yeah actually...while I was on Break." she turned her hand over, revealing the mark on her palm.

"That's the ancient symbol for water! How did that happen?" Drake asked hurriedly.

"Well, like I was saying, on break...this...thing fell out of the sky while I was on the beach. It hit the water and then somehow I ended up holding it in my hand. It was this crystal looking thing. Weird thing one else that was with me remembers a thing about it, but I have the mark on my hand and the crystal in my bag!" said Erika

Drake turned his hand over and revealed his mark to Erika.

"Does your crystal look anything like this?" he asked, pulling his own crystal out from under his shirt.

Erika gasped. "Yeah! But mine is blue... see?" she asked, pulling her crystal from her purse.

The two crystals looked identical in shape and size, but were different colors and had different patterns etched inside.

"Do you... have any kind of like...powers or abilities that you got after getting your crystal?" asked Erika

Drake looked down at his hand and produced a visible ball of electricity in his palm, floating an inch or so above his skin.

"I've got the symbol for Thunder, so it looks like I've got some sort of power over electricity..." said Drake. "I'm guessing you have some sort of ability dealing with water?"

"Well, when I got out of the shower once, I felt this surge of emotion about something...I can't remember what it was. Anyway, when I did, I felt this weird feeling in my head, and then all of a sudden, I didn't need to dry off, I was totally dry. Like all the water just shot right off me...and into the air or something. The floor wasn't wet or anything..." she said

"Interesting...OH! I just had an idea...I met a man the day I got mine... He's the caretaker and guardian of these crystals. His name is Beschermer, and he says he was in a preserved sleep while the crystals were dormant. But, when they were activated and released, he was awakened, and he's been traveling, trying to find them before they come into contact with humans. " Drake said

", do you trust this guy? Like, does he seem to be for real about all this?" Erika asked

"He's even started training me to use my abilities...maybe he can help you too! I can call him right now and tell him I found you...narrows his search down by one, at least..."

"Well, if you trust him, I guess it's ok. Go ahead and ask him, I guess."

Just then, Drake's phone beeped with a new text message.


"That's from him...wait...TWO more? That means there's another person like us within a mile of here!" said Drake "Lemme call real quick..."

RING....RING....RI- Click

"Hello, Drake?" the voice said

"Yeah, Beschermer, it's me...I got your message. Look, one of those you found I've already met. It's a girl in my school, I'm sitting with her right now. She's clear, she has a Pure one." Drake said

"Are you positive?" Beschermer asked "You know for sure it's a pure crystal?"

"Yeah, it's almost identical to mine, but hers is said the etchings would be a darker color that the crystal if it was one of the other kinda, right?"

"Yes, good memory. Listen, I'm about 10 miles away right now...can you meet me after school in the park? Where we first met?"

"Sure, no problem. Oh, and is it aright if I bring Erika too? I mean...if she wants to come."

"Absolutely, I want to meet her myself too, obviously."

"OK, see you then."


"Well, he seems eager to meet you. And don't be scared or anything...he's really cool." said Drake

"Well, I'm actually free for all this week. My parents are out of town and I just have my big sister staying with me. And since it's getting towards the end of the year...the teachers have just started letting up a bit. I don't have much homework yet this week." said Erika

"Yeah...I've noticed the same...isn't this usually when they start adding MORE for the Seniors?"

"Well, usually, yeah...but I guess they've seen the error of their ways, haha. Look, where do you want to meet after school to go over there?" she asked

"Well, How about I meet you at your locker at around 3-ish? Sound good?"

"Yeah, that'll be fine. Well...I kinda need to go, we've eaten up almost the whole period. I need to get to my next class...see you! And...thanks."

"No problem...see you." said Drake quietly.

This is turning out to be quite the interesting day... She's kinda cute too, hehe. Maybe spending some time with her will be pretty nice. Drake thought to himself.


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