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Finally, a new chapter is up. took a lot out of me to write, too. XD I've been doing a lot of writing lately, and I'm kinda tired...a little worn out. Anyways, now that I've got more time, hopefully I can find the inspiration to keep writing.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Chapter 9: Confluence

The next day, Drake and Erika met up with Beschermer in the park again. Drake had stayed with them last night until Erika had been given an intense crash course in her powers...all of Drake's training over a week or so crammed into two short hours. She had been exhausted and he piggy backed her to his house and then took her home. He met her at her house and they walked to the park together.

"So, any idea where your next stop is?" asked Drake
"Well, Koichi has located another crystal in Texas, so we're heading that way first. There can't be too many here in the country, so we'll have to head to South America or Europe next, probably..." Beschermer answered. Seeing the look of disappointment on both of their faces, he added "But...we'll be back here before we leave the country. By that time you will both be farther along and ready for me to show you a few more things to work on."

"We'll do our best. Train every day, just like you said." said Erika

"Yup, and we'll keep you filled in on Fern. The more I think about it, the more I feel you're right...we'll eventually have to face her in some way...she can't be trusted." said Drake

"Speaking of..." started Beschermer. "There's one more thing I neglected to tell you. There's another out there like myself... you could say they're MY opposite. She works in the same job I do, helping the Bearers...only she is the one helping the corrupted crystal's bearers."

Something suddenly dawned on both of them. "So, could she have already gotten to Fern?!" they both asked.

"It's a possibility, but highly doubtful. I would have sensed her presence by now if she was here...but i was gone for a short time. Also, the way she acted last night, she seemed to not know very much about the whole situation... and Belinka is not the type of person to neglect her pupils...she wants them as strong as possible as quickly as possible. And unfortunately...the very nature of the corrupted crystals ensures that their bearers will grow more adept and more powerful MUCH quicker than you will...if you train at the same speed and intensity. If Fern has already met with Belinka...the two of you could be risking your very lives confronting her outside of school." said Beschermer.

"Because she probably wouldn't do anything there...she doesn't want her cover blown." said Erika.

"Exactly." said Drake "In fact...I think it's kinda fishy that she just shows up all of a sudden, right where two of us are. Do you think she might have been sent by this...Belinka?" he said, looking up at Beschermer.

"You know...that's very possible. She came from elsewhere...away from here, where she could have easily met Belinka and been trained and sent to keep an eye on you two. Keep an even keener eye on here then, I can't believe it didn't occur to me. Well...I think we'd best be off. I'll go collect Koichi and we're gone. Keep in touch, you two." he said, and in the blink of an eye, he was gone.

"I wonder if he can teach us how to do that." Erika said. She turned around and Drake was gone too.

"Maybe, but you need to get as good as me and my mad ninja skillz first, missy." Drake said from behind a tree a few feet away.

"Har har, signior ninja." she said, running after him.

"Ah! You can't catch a ninja!" Drake said, taking off in the direction of the school.

Unsurprisingly, Fern didn't show up for school that day. Erika thought maybe it was because her cover was blown, but Drake thought it might have been because of her getting rejected last night.

"I mean come on...she was flat out told she was basically evil. You saw her bothered her." Drake said, stuffing a book in his locker.

"Well, that may be...but I don't like her not being here...we have no idea what she's up to. Anyways, what say you for lunch, wanna split lunches?" said Erika

"Meh, mine's nothing special...well, for you probably. Egg salad sandwiches." said Drake
"I love Egg Salad! How do you like sushi?" she asked
"I've never been a fan, but I'll try some." he said, smiling

Lunch came and the two had settled into a small table in the middle of the lunch area. Drake glanced around and he noticed a LOT of people looking at them. Almost all of the popular crowd, as well as pretty much anyone who had anything to do with Drake's sister or Erika.

"I think we're a popular form of entertainment today...just about every popular kid here is staring at us." said Drake

"Yeah, I "friends" in particular seem annoyed. It's not like they really's not like they're really my friends or anything. They're just getting in on the gossip. Ugh, it's so retarded." she said

"Yeah, what's to gossip about anyways?" Drake asked, curious if she had realized what was going on.

"I know, we're just two friends, eating lunch! Haven't they ever seen that before?" she said

"That's just it though...we're friends, and that's something they haven't seen before. You're from the outer circle of the Popular Crowd...I'm from the outer circle of the losers...I'm so far out there, people only know who I am because of my stupid sister, which is another reason people are looking." he said

"That, and because the new girl has been staring at you all period." said an icy voice from behind them.

It was Fern, Drake knew it before they turned to face her.

"I hear you two've been 'worried' about me all day. And on top of that, you've officially been deemed the 'Hot Topic' of the week. People can't get over how the two of you managed to start dating. Of course, I know how you met and all...but how could I explain that to anyone..." Fern said.

"But, we're...ugh. There's no point in trying to dissuade them, not like they'd believe it anyways..." said Drake

Erika blushed. The news was shocking and a bit enraging...but she kinda hoped that it would work out that way...she was really starting to like Drake and she thought he was beginning to feel the same way about her.

"Oh, and by the way...I just woke up late, I wasn't out planning your attacks or anything like that...But I have a feeling that you're not gonna believe me whatever I say...I'll leave you two alone, ciao!" said Fern, turning on her heel and walking back towards the hall.

Once she was out of earshot, she mumbled under her breath. "Well, I was telling the truth about part of that...I did wake up late." she laughed

Drake and Erika just sat there, clearly rustled by Fern's remarks.

After a minute or two, Drake stood up. "I'm done, if you are...I'll take the trash, milady." he said cheerfully.

Erika saw through his ruse but decided not to bring it up...this wasn't the time to talk about it. "I thanketh thee, kind sir, for your act of valor. Come, let's walk to the library to talk before classes start again...there's something I want to ask you.

End ch. 9

1 comment:

Ink said...

I loved it!
I can't wait to read more!!
