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Finally, a new chapter is up. took a lot out of me to write, too. XD I've been doing a lot of writing lately, and I'm kinda tired...a little worn out. Anyways, now that I've got more time, hopefully I can find the inspiration to keep writing.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Chapter 18: It's All Greek to Me

"I'm in position." said a shadowy figure hiding quite well among the trees and bushes. "I don't think they suspect I'm here. They've just started talking, so I'll cut communications until after this is done. Fern out." she said, tapping a small device in her collar twice, turning it off.

Hmm, it seems like they've at least caught on to the general plan...I'd be shocked if they managed to figure out the true intentions of Lady Belinka. Aha! So the oaf hasn't found any more of them yet...good.


"So, you're leaving, and it'll be good, bad, and Switzerland at the same time? And there's something wrong with the crystals?" asked Drake
Beschermer chuckled. "Well, no, I have many things to tell you that fit into this category...hence the different types of news." he said. "First off, I'll tell you more about the young lady I found in San Francisco. Her name is Fuu, and she possesses the Pure crystal of Wind. She is about your age...maybe a year younger or so. I don't know that she really knows much about it yet, but she did recognize the symbol, as you did...and she holds it in high regard because loosely translated, her names means Wind. I'd say that's a fitting choice, eh?"

"So, you just basically watched her and didn't talk to her or anything? kinda seems pointless to me." said Erika
"Well, the primary mission was to simply locate her and assess her situation. I needed a name and a way to contact her...once I've found the rest of you, I'll be sending out communications to them all explaining in as much detail as their individual situations require."
"Oh, okay... so why didn't you do that with us?" asked Drake
"Well, I had planned to talk with her at first, but when I realized the severity of the situation- and I'll go into that in a minute- I decided to get moving and get to the others."
"And by severity of the situation you meant...what exactly?" asked Drake
"Exactly my next bit of business. While the crystals were sealed away, someone came in and performed a sort of sealing enchantment on the crystals again...though this is a different kind of sealing than was already on them. You see, the crystals were physically sealed within the temple, while this new spell was not affecting the physical qualities or location of the crystals, but their power. As things stand now, the crystals are sealed at a certain point, once your powers grow to that extent, you won't be able to progress any further."
"And how did you not realize that from seeing ours, but you did when you saw hers?" asked Erika
"Well, this part I'm unsure of...but for some reason, hers still shows finite traces of the spell that was placed on it. The crystals that you two possess do not, which leads me to believe that someone attempted to life the spell from some of the crystals, but gave up after at least two fruitless endeavors. Attempting to dispel the seal left a new trace on yours, which I can now see that I'm conscious of its presence. Yes, the two of yours' have clearly been worked a powerful being, I'd wager. This level of magic requires the utmost care and practice, only a weathered magician or sorcerer could even fathom that they could perform such a spell. It is unfortunate that they failed...or we would, at this moment, have a significant advantage over Belinka's forces."

"So, is there any way to break the seal then? I mean if whoever it was there anyone alive that actually can do it?" asked Drake
"Well, this brings me to some other important information for you. How much do you know about ancient mythology? In particular Greek mythology."
"Umm, not so much...all I really know from Greek stories is like Hercules and Jason." said Erika
"Well, I'm no expert, but I'd say I have an above average knowledge of Greek Mythology." said Drake
"Well that's can probably help explain some of this to Erika. Now, you know of the various gods and goddesses of Greek mythology. In particular, the Greeks placed 12 of them at a higher importance than the rest." said Beschermer
"The 12 Olympians." said Drake
"Right, how many of them can you name Drake, I'm actually rather curious. The more you know, the more it may shock you when I reveal this."
"Well, there's Zeus, Poseidon, Ares, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Hera, Hephaestus, Hermes, Aphrodite, and...what's that, ten? I can never remember the other two." said Drake.
"Very good, Drake, I'm actually impressed... The other two are Hestia and Demeter, by the way."
"There we go...I don't know why I can't remember them..."

"Anyways...of the twelve, a few of them, as well as some of the others that you've probably heard of, some minor gods and such, were set apart even further. They were the masters of the ten elements, and the ones who created the original Spirit Crystals. You really only need to know about two of them for now, the two who commanded your respective elements. Any guess as to who control's Thunder?"
"That'd be Zeus, right?" asked Erika
"Right you are...and Water?"
"Poseidon." said Drake
"Right again... now, first you should know that the literal versions of Zeus and Poseidon as well as the other gods and goddesses are not quite accurate. They were based off of real beings who controlled the various elements and other such things, but their deity forms are glorified or horrified a bit more than was really necessary. Their true names aren't even close to these names, but most of them still prefer to go by at least one of the names given to them by one of Earth's cultures. The being that Zeus is based on actually likes to be called Zeus, while Poseidon prefers his Roman name. Between Roman and Greek, most of the gods like one of those names."
"I can see why he'd like his Roman name better..after all, he got a planet named after him. So did Zeus, but I guess he likes the shorter name, eh?" said Drake
"Yeah, well 'Neptune, king of the seas and the big blue planet has a nice ring to it.'" he said. "Anyways, the reason I'm telling you this si because after I locate all of the Bearers, I am going to track down these ten, partly because together, the ten of them should be able to break this new seal, and partly because I can only give you so much instruction...the best to learn from is the one who created the power in the first place, right?"
"I'd think so." said Erika
"So, you're sending us to Zeus and Neptune to continue our training?" asked Drake
"Yes, I think that would be I said, I can only do so much for you. I think that I'll place highest priority with those two, because you two are almost to the point where I can't help you knowledge can only stretch so far, and it's almost to it's limit."

"Well, if you think it's best...okay." said Drake
"Wait, will we be separated?" Erika asked with a frantic expression on her face. Drake's heart skipped a beat; he hadn't thought of that...Drake wasn't sure if he could stand being apart from Erika for such a long time now that he had finally found her.
"Well, that depends on them." Beschermer said. "After all, like in the stories, they are they might consider training you two together...I'll mention it if ad when I find them. I'll not make any promises, but I'll see what I can do."

They sat there a few minutes, discussing random details of their new mission, when Drake spoke up and said: "Hey, Beschermer, just curious...who are the other eight gods?"
"Well, since you have a good amount of knowledge about them already, I wonder how many you can guess." he said. "Have a go at it."
"Alright, well...I would think Hephaestus would be Metal, Prometheus for fire, maybe Hades for Darkness, Artemis was goddess of the forest or something, right?"
"All correct. In fact, I can't really think of the Greek names for any more...they prefer to go by any number of knowing what they prefer this century. However, you need not worry about any but Zeus and Poseidon for now."

"So, when do you leave again?" asked Erika
"As soon as Koichi can get his locator device working properly. He's reworking it to have a better range."
"Well, what'll we do in the meantime? Should we practice or something?" asked Drake
"Sure, I'll see if i can squeeze a few more helpful pointers out of my brain."

Fern listened in awe to Beschermer's story...she had no idea how far back this all went. She was certain Belinka had been lying to her and left out details now, more than ever. Still, this changed nothing, she still had a job to do, and it was but half over now. Now she had to try to get in close enough to attack without detection. Stealth was the key here...if she was detected she was to abort immediately, just like the last time.

She pressed the communicator's switch in her collar to turn it on. "Fern here, phase one've got a bit of explaining to do later, Lady Belinka. Preparing to move in. " she said in a low voice, barely audible to herself, but the microphone in the device was so sensitive that she had to barely even more than whisper to be heard.
"Don't talk in that manner to your mistress, child. You might not get the chance to live to regret it." said the cold voice on the other end.
"Whatever. Fern out." she said, turning the comm link off again.

She's mad that I know more than she's told me...I wonder if she even knew it all...Oh well, time to get this over with, she'll be pleased if I can get at least one of those crystals.

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